Good News

Again, I apologize for the long hiatus. I'll give a quick overview of the last nine months.

After I was laid off from Zaycon Fresh, I entered the job search and began searching while living off of my unemployment. After two months of searching, I got a job right after Labor Day at American Directions Group, a company that conducts phone surveys, doing data processing work on the sample data (the list of people to call) and converting the call scripts into formats that could be used programmatically by the callers. After two months there, the election season ended and the work load dried up, resulting in my being laid off just after Veterans Day. After that layoff, I again entered the job search, using driving for Lyft for income after what remained of my unemployment ran out. Finally, this last Friday, I received a job offer for a position at OpenEye, as a software developer for their OpenEye Web Services (OWS). I start this new position this coming Thursday.