Seth's blog

Good News

Again, I apologize for the long hiatus. I'll give a quick overview of the last nine months.

Good News and Bad News

As you may have noticed, I have (finally) updated my resume with my current employment, so that is now available from the link below (or right here). However, I also have bad news: the company I am working at, Zaycon Fresh, is filing for bankruptcy and has halted all operations as of earlier today. (Their website also appears to be down, hence why I haven't linked it.) Therefore, I am now out of a job and must resume the job hunt. More information will follow as the situation unfolds.


I haven't been doing very well with updating this website, but I will try and update it a bit more often from now on. For now, I'll give a quick summary of what I've been working on since the last time I posted.

Update to Primes API

My Primes API was previously very slow, since the way it worked required that the server calculate the entire array of primes from scratch and then return it. Today, I finished a major update: a database-driven design that takes the result array from a pre-calculated set of prime numbers (all of them under 500,000) and then returns it. It has the same interface as the original design, but should be much faster, with the tradeoff being that the database takes up a small amount of server space (about 1.5 MiB).